Permaweb Pioneers

The power of decentralized video with Sam Sends of

Episode Summary

Sam Sends of shares the empowering impact a decentralized video platform enables for creators and why he and team chose Arweave for this new frontier of video.

Episode Notes

"So many of us are interacting with these videos on glass - it's the human touchpoint. We are touching glass to have these human exchanges - this emotional, rich, video experience."  

Video has become the most important and popular medium for communication in the modern world: its content is rich and stimulating of all the senses; it is the easiest to digest; and half of the internet's bandwidth is used for the viewing of video.

This discussion with Sam Sends of GLASS, who is building a decentralized video platform, explores: how integral video has become to communication in the modern world; why a decentralized video platform is important; and why Arweave's technology aligned with GLASS's permanent data storage vision. 


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